Happy New Year 2020

In the spirit of new beginnings, I Marie Kondo’d my website. Redesigned it. Cleaned it up. Reorganized it and threw out things I don’t need anymore. I nixed the resumĂ© page. The FAQ page is gone. I removed all the drop down menus from the home page navigation links. They did not bring me joy!

Additionally, I introduced a portfolio full of marketing projects including four I worked on at OEN and two freelance projects. The idea now is to make the portfolio and blog the main focus of the site.

It’s been two years since I released a “music video resumĂ©” called I Got Skills on January 3, 2018. And before I continue, I want to say thank you once again for your support during my job search. On the strength of the video, and the mini-marketing campaign that followed, I landed a job as the Marketing & Communications Manager at Oregon Entrepreneurs Network (OEN).

The last year and a half has been like a crash course in marketing on a budget and I must say, I’m loving every minute of it.

Now that I’ve got my feet under me, I plan to post a little more often in 2020. I’d like to produce another season of Real iDeal Radio this year. So, keep an eye out. Want to be a guest on Real iDeal Radio? If so, and you’re an entrepreneur or work with entrepreneurs, or if you have expertise in marketing, management, or music, let’s connect.

I’ve got a lot more to share with you throughout the next year. Until then, have a very safe and happy new year!

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